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Reporting of complaints and significant dealings

Complaints related to our Super Savings product offering

The good news is that, whenever you contact us because you need something investigated / remedied, we record it and report on it as a complaint. You will receive email acknowledgement of the complaint, including the unique identification number we have assigned to it.

  • If you need us to investigate/remedy something, please immediately provide us with the details by:

We also appreciate there are times when our members complain to you about us, and where you have been able to resolve it without our help. As per our Target Market Determination, distributers are required to report all complaints to us within a quarterly reporting period. We take an agile approach to continuous improvement and so we would prefer you report these to us immediately. By taking the following steps we will record the complaint and email you with the unique identification number that we have assigned to it.

Significant Dealings related to our Super Savings product offering

Go here for more information on what may indicate a significant dealing or refer to the latest Target Market Determinations:

download icon Complaint Handling Guide

Super Savings Accumulation account TMD

Super Savings Transition to Retirement Income account TMD 

Super Savings Retirement Income account TMD

Super Savings – Corporate and Super Savings – Business Accumulation account TMD